Dear, dear Rob,
Believe it or not, only today I could stay and have a look on your great masterpiece!
I can’t believe that you could provide such guide, in my opinion, such a book should take you a lifetime…….but instead, it is for a lifetime!
Congratulations, it will take time for me to follow all the steps, and I am sure many of my students and healthcare professionals which I interact with, will take advantage of this valuable guide. actually it’s so great to share your incomensurable experience and knowledge…….
I am sure the few words that I have send to you cannot express my “wow” for your expertise and all you have done for all mankind. You are really great!!!!!!!!!
Please don’t stop, keep on, you do things wonderful!
I am really impressed about Unleash your Vitality, it’s amazing………’s extremely organised and helpful……I really need time to proceed, it’s wonderful, I am sure we will translate it for other people, it’s a must, thanks God for people like you.
I am so grateful,