Lothar Hirneise-healing_psyche review

I am working for many years with cancer-Lothar Hirneise-

I am working for many years with cancer

I am working for many years with cancer patients and over the years one get a feeling that our psyche plays a quite bigger role in cancer than most doctors knows. And it is no wonder that doctors know nothing about stress and cancer and psychological patterns and cancer – because they do not learn this at universities.
Even more the book from Dr. Rob van Overbruggen is so important because it is urgent needed that each therapist understands which role different psychological patterns are playing, not only for starting cancer, but also for surviving cancer.
I wish all oncologists would read this book

Lothar Hirneise
( advocate and writer on alternative healing who spent years traveling and searching for the most successful cancer therapies ~ Author of Chemotherapy Heals Cancer and the Earth is Flat )