Jodie Ross-healing_psyche review

I just reviewed Healing Psyche on Amazo-Jodie Ross-

I just reviewed Healing Psyche on Amazo

I just reviewed Healing Psyche on Amazon with 5 stars and the following comments:

Thank you so much Rob for putting together such incredible research. It is very interesting to read about so many different ways at approaching healing Cancer or even living a better life while having Cancer and I love the way Rob presents it all without bias.
I enjoyed so many things about this book, but the thing that stands out for me the most is that the mind and body are all part of the one human organism and as such are connected to each other and influence each other – your psychology affects your physiology and your physiology affects your psychology.
Therefore, a complimentary approach to healing makes sense. Combining therapies that can influence the psychology of persons mind to compliment and work alongside medicine with therapies that work on a persons body/physiology rather than as an alternative, can truly help people heal and live a better life. There are so many ways we can help ourselves.
While Robs research was focused on Cancer, this complimentary therapy approach could be applied to any psychological or physical ailment to enhance the quality of a person’s life in many ways.
This book, more than anything else that I have ever heard or read also made me realise the power of the immune system. If your immune system is strong, the body can overcome anything and will work as we want it to. When the body is in stress the immune system cannot function properly. If we reduce our stress with complimentary therapies and put good nutrition into our body then our immune system can function properly and do its job of keeping us healthy. This is really possible.
Thank you so much Rob van Overbruggen PhD for sharing your research in Healing Psyche, I highly recommend this book as a valuable resource to any person who is interested in helping themselves or others. I can’t wait to read your next book, Unleash Your Vitality to learn more about what I can do for my immune system.

To add to that, the things that I loved but did not put in my review because it would have been too long but they are important to me are:
– The way you talk about healing versus curing
– Mind and body are all part of the same organism and both influence each other – I knew this but I love hearing how you describe it
– Stuck emotions and emotional cysts – I knew about stuck emotions but had not heard the term emotional cysts before, very interesting
– Emotions and neuropeptides – I had not looked into the scientific way emotions affect the body before
– The placebo story about the man who got so well after thinking he was on the trial drug – just amazing
– Importance of beliefs and perceptions – this I believe with all of my heart and is why I love Matrix Reimprinting so much but it was so interesting hearing your research on it all
– The link of cancer to loss and fear and people being able to have a sense of having control in their life and decision making can make so much difference – very cool
– Even the beliefs of the therapist can make a difference – this is so true
– Love the idea of options for secondary gains – we learn about secondary gains with EFT and Matrix Reimprinting but I had not really thought about coming up with options or other (or healthier) ways of attaining those gains, so clever
– How clever the body and immune system is – this book made me think about the power of my immune system more than anything else ever has. Beliefs and immune system really affect everything don’t they and they both have such an influence on each other.
– Purpose for life – very cool
– The appraisal process and beliefs – love it
– Multiple Personalities – it is so amazing to know that when a person is in a certain alter ego to another that their physical symptoms and characteristics can change, this shows the power of the mind, so incredible
– Laughter and pleasure increasing immune function – my kids and I tried this, let out really big belly laughs in the car, it was so funny and I could really feel my chest feel lighter afterwards, Ava and Ben thought it was hilarious
– Complimentary therapies rather than alternative – I love the way you describe this, working together, not instead of
– Immune System – Honestly Rob, your book, more than anything else I have ever read or heard has made me realise how important the immune system is. Your example of cancer cells in a Petri dish with white blood cells and the white blood cells knocking the cancer cells out is so powerful. I know how much stress can affect your body and I am more motivated than ever to put good things into my body and change my limiting beliefs.

I am looking forward to reading Unleash Your Vitality when it arrives in the mail and can’t wait for my training to begin.

Thank you,

Love Jodie xx.