Jodie Ross-unleash_your_vitality review

Thank you so much to Rob van Overbrugge-Jodie Ross-

Thank you so much to Rob van Overbrugge

Thank you so much to Rob van Overbruggen Ph.D. for his wonderful workbook Unleash Your Vitality and for the information given to help me improve both mine and my family’s health.
I love the way Rob writes such well researched and valuable content that is presented in a structured, easy to follow and interactive way that helps you realise what you need to do to improve your health.
I now realise how my body is telling me (in some cases quite loudly with the symptoms I experience) that I need so many more nutrients to optimise my health and vitality than the food I am eating can provide me. I had never realised before that the foods I eat might not actually contain all of the goodness required anymore and there is more I can do.
I really like the train of thought that Rob works with – look at what causes health versus what causes disease, keeping your vitality points high and the 3 simple steps Rob says, remove existing vitality drains, prevent new vitality drains, add more vitality boosters and to work with all three simultaneously every day to keep optimal health. It’s very interesting learning these things and I can see that it is all so important and achievable to do.
I am eager to improve my owns steps in unleashing my vitality and I know that by working with the information I’ve learned from this book and fuelling by body and mind with what’s required to keep my vitality points high will help me achieve that.
I recommend this book to anyone who is interested in improving their health and living a life full of energy, health and happiness.

Thanks so much Rob

Love Jodie xxx.