The last 10 days have changed my entire

The last 10 days have changed my entire

The last 10 days have changed my entire world. I have gained so many insights to why I am the way I am and the reasons behind some of the issues/illnesses I have had thoughout my life. I feel equipped to make even more profound changes in my own life and in the lives of others, using this amazing tool which enables one to cut straight to the core of issues and disease

The last few days on the Biocompass® health coach training have confirmed that this tool really is the missing piece of the puzzle for me. Learning the mind body brain connection and about the brain layers and their specific functions within the illeness process from Rob van Overbruggen has been invaluable and has changed the way I look at my body forever.
Rob has been a patient and thorough teacher. His demonstrations have been first class and elegant. He truly is a leader in this field.