Curing diseases or Increase health ?

The World Health Organization uses a brilliant definition of health.

Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity

However most people, including myself for a while, focused on eliminating diseases and discomfort for my clients. So what can I do to move from the disease focused treatments to a more health focused treatments is one of the questions I started asking myself over the last few months.

When the disease, pain or discomfort is away, there is still more to achieve, right? So why not help the client move towards that.

I used to focus only on disease/symptom prevention or reduction (either physically or emotionally). When the symptom was gone, the client was finished.

The more I realized it, the more of a dis-service I was providing to the client. I can help them even to the next step of vitality. I was just not aware of that.

How about you? Do you recognize this?

If you have solved it, how are you working with your clients now differently? Share your experience in the comments below.

One of the models that inspired me to start thinking of this was the salutogenesis model from Aaron Antonovsky. This model provided a different viewpoint for me.

He asked the same question I asked , but he asked it already much earlier. So either he is a brilliant man that he asked the same question I did, or I am brilliant that I asked the question again (hihih).

Anyway.. the focus of salutogenesis is to promote health and wellness, NOT to prevent diseases.

This is a very different angle with quite a few implications.

Actually asking this question brings up quite a few different options and way of healing people to move towards a higher quality of live and living.

My new model is presented in my new book  Unleash your Vitality, but I will share it with you here. Looking forwards to reading your comments and ideas.

Life force Energy – The Vitality Pool

Imagine the vitality pool as a cup with water. The more water there is in the glass the healthier you are.

The water is your life force energy.

The vitality Drainers.

Whenever there is a stressor, or a lack of nutrients, radiation or other health threat then there is a little (or a lot) of water removed from the glass.

This not a problem. No problem at all.

This is what happens in daily life.

Most of the people know that eating at McDonalds, Burger King, or any of those places is not the most healthiest place to have a stomach filling. Yet, I am still amazed that people can go in, eat a burger and walk out alive.

Some even do that multiple times a week.

If that was so bad for your health I would vote for building those places only very close to hospitals.

On the stress level. I know people with huge levels of stress, and they still are free of noticeable symptoms.

The trick is how much and how long. Taking a bit of water out of the vitality pool is fine and you will probably not even notice.

However when this happens over and over again, you will start noticing small discomforts, symptoms and eventually diseases when the glass is almost empty.

Discomfort, symptoms and disease are a sign of emptying your vitality pool

Vitality Boosters

Fortunately life is dynamic and you can refill your glass. When people are sick they are highly motivated to change their stress levels, nutrient levels etc to remove the symptoms. What they are actually doing is to add vitality to the vitality pool. They add health to their system, they add water to the glass.

Now the vitality pool is refilled and the entire body restores itself easily from the symptoms. This is the true self-healing ability of the body.

So basically there are 2 forces at hand here. Forces that reduce your vitality and forces thatincrease your vitality.

Vitality Drainers Examples

  • Stress
  • Fried foods
  • Radiation
  • Restraining emotions (anger, fear, hurt, sadness)
  • Smoking
  • Alcohol
  • Etc

Vitality Booster Examples

  • Relaxation
  • Stress reduction
  • Purified water
  • Vitamins / Minerals
  • Fresh Air
  • Happy emotions (joy, compassion, excitement)
  • Etc

What do you think of this change in focus, from disease orientation towards health promoting orientation and the vitality pool?

  • What are your thoughts on this ?
  • How would focus on health be different for your clients or yourself than focus on the removal of symptoms?
  • Can you think of other vitality boosters?
  • Can you think of other vitality drainers?

Write your comments and reactions below. I am very interested in reading them.

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