Rob van Overbruggen Ph.D.

International Speaker, Acclaimed Coach, Bestselling Author

Rob’s passion for health and wellbeing started in 1994. At first he focused on mental health. With the use of hypnosis, neuro-linguistics and energy psychology he was able to help people to reach their goals fast and efficient. After years of misery they left happy again.

In 1996 he started to study how the mind influences disease processes. He noticed that emotions and beliefs directly influence symptoms and diseases. A change in emotions and beliefs often allows the disease or symptoms to disappear. This was published in his first book “Healing Psyche“ ( It explains the influence of the mind on the process of cancer from a scientific point of view. Many studies already have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that the mind influences the cancer process. In this book he discovered the patterns that they all have in common. These patterns are universal applicable in the recovery of any disease or symptom

Based on his knowledge and experience he devised several models to help people heal fast and efficient. His vision expanded to help people to become happier and healthier.

Using some of his advanced models he is now able to pinpoint the exact emotional stress that prevents the healing of specific symptoms. By releasing that emotional stress the body can repair itself again.

His material is now used and described in at least five different books.

Rob conducts trainings, lectures and keynotes all over the word. The USA, UK, Australia, India, Egypt and many other countries have already benefitted from his amazing, dynamic and fun style of teaching.

… a combination of deep meaningful insights and standup comedy…

Over the last 20 years Rob has taught more than 4000 people to take more responsibility of their life, health and happiness.
His sought after trainings , both private and public trainings are considered the best in the industry.

Join him and his team wherever you can…

Rob van Overbruggen