Healing Psyche Reviews

Healing Psyche - Rob van Overbruggen Ph.D.
Healing Psyche – Rob van Overbruggen Ph.D.
rob i think there is much useful inform-Bernie Siegel MD-

rob i think there is much useful information in your book and it is a good resource for people who want to begin to learn about this field of work but there are also some things that make me very uncomfortable and that relates to one example being the simonton imagery with bullets, war, poison etc for many people that is totally ineffective because it creates conflict and empowers the enemy and when we are not killers it has adverse side effects we need training in communication”

Bernie Siegel MD
Medical Doctor ~ Bernie Siegel is the author of Love, Medicine & Miracles, Peace, Love & Healing and Faith, Hope and Healing

Remark Rob van Overbruggen: Bernie you are right about the agressive imagery Simonton used to use. The use of more supportive imagery is one of the suggestions I make, and the type of imagery i use.

I strongly urge every NLP Practitioner -Richard Bolstad-

I strongly urge every NLP Practitioner who works with clients facing health issues to buy and read this book, and to buy a second copy to loan to their clients. I simply have never seen such a thorough and courageous explanation of this field. My recommendation is: Read the book now!

I have yet to get my hands on your book-Carl Simonton MD-

I have yet to get my hands on your book as Carl has loaned it out to many and several people have orded it on Amazon. He and Dr. Wirga are very impressed with it and have enjoyed it very much.
I understand you site the Simonton work! But do know that he recommends it hightly.
We will be recommending the book in our next newsletter

Carl Simonton MD
Medical Doctor ~ Carl Simonton is the author of Getting Well Again and The Healing Journey

This can save your life-Christiane Northrup MD-

Healing Psyche is a treasure trove of rigorous research on the mind-body connection for cancer – all presented in practical ways that both doctors and their patients can access and implement easily. Quite frankly, this book could save your life.

Christiane Northrup MD-healing_psyche review
Medical Doctor
United States
Author of Mother-Daughter Wisdom (2005) and Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom (2006)
I am working for many years with cancer-Lothar Hirneise-

I am working for many years with cancer patients and over the years one get a feeling that our psyche plays a quite bigger role in cancer than most doctors knows. And it is no wonder that doctors know nothing about stress and cancer and psychological patterns and cancer – because they do not learn this at universities.
Even more the book from Dr. Rob van Overbruggen is so important because it is urgent needed that each therapist understands which role different psychological patterns are playing, not only for starting cancer, but also for surviving cancer.
I wish all oncologists would read this book

Lothar Hirneise
( advocate and writer on alternative healing who spent years traveling and searching for the most successful cancer therapies ~ Author of Chemotherapy Heals Cancer and the Earth is Flat )

HEALING PSYCHE is one of the most compl-Larry Dossey MD-

HEALING PSYCHE is one of the most complete guides to the role of the mind in cancer to appear in years. This practical and authoritative book is a major accomplishment.

Larry Dossey MD-healing_psyche review
Medical Doctor
United States
Author of Meaning & Medicine, Healing Words and The Power of Premonitions
Rob van Overbruggen brings us the best -Daniel J. Benor MD-

Rob van Overbruggen brings us the best review and discussion of theories and research in mind-body influences and interactions with cancer.
This book is written clearly, well organized, rich in quotations from the numerous authors cited, replete with case examples, and an excellent resource for anyone interested wholistic healing of cancer.

Dr. O. Carl Simonton and his wife Karen-Rahla Kahn & Richard Rossner-

Dr. O. Carl Simonton and his wife Karen highly recommended getting your book immediately (which we did)! My husband, Richard, and I work with Dr. Simonton at his residential cancer retreat programs. Carl is one of my mentors, in addtion to my other mentor, Norman Cousins. My company is The Power Of Play (www.thepowerofplay.com). Our work is based on “Applied Improvisation” with a focus on humor, healing and hope.
We are in love with your book, because you validate 25 years of anecdotal stories and feedback from our clients.
Thank you!

Rob van Overbruggen heeft met zijn Enge-Prof Dr Jan M. Keppel Hesselink-

Rob van Overbruggen heeft met zijn Engelstalige boek “Healing Psyche, Patterns and Structure of Complementary Psychological Cancer Treatment (CPCT)” een bijdrage geleverd aan de psycho-oncologie. Zijn boek is een literatuur overzicht en analyse en gaat over de invloed van gedrag, gedachtenpatronen, emoties en omgangsmethoden op kanker, goed onderbouwd met wetenschappelijke literatuur. De therapieen die aan de orde komen zijn vooral gericht op het verbeteren van het algemeen welbevinden van een kankerpatient.
Vanwege zijn zeer grondige zoektocht naar wetenschappelijk onderzoek over dit onderwerp, kan Rob Overbruggen gefundeerd aanbevelingen doen wat voor onderzoek er in de toekomst nodig is, om dit veld van de psycho-oncologie nog beter te doorgronden.

Kein ganzheitlicher Krebskongress kommt-Hendrik Treugut MD-

Kein ganzheitlicher Krebskongress kommt um die Feststellung herum: Krebsheilung ist nur von der Psyche aus möglich. Und wie geht das, was bietet man dem Patienten an? Unübersehbar ist bereits jetzt die Zahl der spirituellen, psychotherapeutischen, psychologischen, psychoonkologischen etc. etc. Therapieansätze, aber der Überblick geht verloren.
Hier bietet das Buch von Rob van Overbruggen eine Hilfe an, deren Bedeutung überhaupt nicht überschätzt werden kann, die einfach klingt und unendliche Mühe erforderte: er hat sich über alle Verfahren informiert, sie beschrieben, gesichtet, geordnet und z.T. beurteilt. Wer immer in der unübersehbaren Szene für sich oder seine Patienten einen therapeutischen Ansatzpunkt sucht (und wer kennt sich wirklich aus?), braucht dieses Buch.

Dr. med. Hendrik Treugut
Chefarzt am Klinikum Schwäbisch Gmünd und Präsident der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Energetische und Informationsmedizin (DGEIM) ~ Dr. med. Hendrik Treugut

Herr Rob van Overbruggen kenne ich seit-George Ivan Gal-

Herr Rob van Overbruggen kenne ich seit längeren, und hatte sehr nahen Kontakt im Bereich der klassischen Psycho-Onkologie und der META Medizin.
Mir ist bekannt dass Herr van Overbruggen sich täglich mit onkologischen Patienten beschäftigt, und bietet eine sehr komplette Betreuung für Krebskranke.
Ich habe ihm als sehr kompetenter, sorgfältiger und gewissenhafter Kollege kennengelernt, die in äußerst zuverlässiger und strukturierter Weise die medizinische und organisatorische Betreuung der Patienten durchführen konnte. Er hat alle ihm übertragenen Arbeiten in jeder Hinsicht zuverlässig und mit großem Verantwortungsgefühl zu meiner vollen Zufriedenheit durchgeführt.
Er ist immer in der Lage, eine gute Patienten-Beziehung aufzubauen und zeigte in der Zuwendung zum Kranken ein hohes Maß an menschlichem Mitgefühl und Verständnis für die Probleme der Patienten und seiner Angehörigen. Durch ihr umsichtiges, ausgeglichenes, stets offenes Wesen und ihr großes Engagement war sie insbesondere bei Patienten sehr geachtet und beliebt.
Er verfügt über fundierte Kenntnisse im gesamten Spektrum der klassischen und alternativen Medizin, sowie über ein intensives Einfühlungsvermögen im Umgang mit schwer und chronisch kranken Patienten (z. B. onkologische Patienten).
Ich werde ihm immer wieder zu Konsultationen bei heiklen Fälle in der Therapie, mit einschließen..
Mit freundlichen Grüßen

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This can save your life-Christiane Northrup MD-

Healing Psyche is a treasure trove of rigorous research on the mind-body connection for cancer – all presented in practical ways that both doctors and their patients can access and implement easily. Quite frankly, this book could save your life.

Christiane Northrup MD-healing_psyche review
Medical Doctor
United States
Author of Mother-Daughter Wisdom (2005) and Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom (2006)
Om de ogen te openen voor andere benade-David Bloch-

Om de ogen te openen voor andere benaderingen van kanker
Er zijn specialisten die ‘alles’ van hun vakgebied weten, en er zijn specialisten die heel veel weten van de breedte en diepte van hun vakgebied én die daardoor in staat zijn om over de schutting van dat gebied kijken naar nieuwe, aanvullende en/of baanbrekende, zelfs betwiste, benaderingen van dat vakgebied.
Tot de tweede groep hoort Rob van Overbruggen. Hoewel hij geen Servan-Schreiber is, treedt hij duidelijk in de voetstappen van deze van oorsprong Franse medische specialist die durfde zijn stellige vraagtekens durfde te zetten bij de oogkleppen van de gevestigde orde van de medische wereld waarin hij studeerde.

In Van Overbruggens degelijke boek Healing Psyche kunt u over gezondheid en heling lezen; helen en genezen, die de verschillende paradigma’s zijn van de medisch wetenschap, de psychologie en de psychosomatische verbinding. U leest hierin een gedegen analyse van het hele proces dat de naam kanker draagt en een uitgebreide analyse van hoe de gedachten en de gevoelens de kans op heling beïnvloeden.

Van Overbruggen besteedt veel aandacht aan de veel verschillende programma’s binnen en buiten de reguliere geneeskunde die beslist een andere benadering van kanker bieden dan de orthodoxe ‘snij-bestraal-chemo’-benadering.

Het boek is geschreven in doorgaans uitstekend Amerikaans Engels met her en der wat slordigheden door gebrekkige correctiewerkzaamheden. Gemakkelijk, vermakelijk lezen is het niet echt, maar ‘zwoegen om door te spitten’ is het nou ook weer niet.

Voor iemand die voor het eerst geconfronteerd wordt door het verschijnsel ‘kanker’ of in zijn eigen lichaam of in dat van een naaste is dit een bijzonder waardevolle introductie tot de andere mogelijkheden die er bestaan. Leren over ‘kanker’ is immers een vereiste op weg naar heling.

Voor iemand die zich al thuis voelt in andere benaderingen van genezen, komt dit boek over als een wetenschappelijk overzicht

Van Overbruggens boek is een waardevolle bijdrage aan het steeds groeiende aantal werken die serieuze aandacht vragen voor gezondheid en genezingsprocessen die alles behalve allopathisch zijn en in dat opzicht is dit boek een aanrader.

I am working for many years with cancer-Lothar Hirneise-

I am working for many years with cancer patients and over the years one get a feeling that our psyche plays a quite bigger role in cancer than most doctors knows. And it is no wonder that doctors know nothing about stress and cancer and psychological patterns and cancer – because they do not learn this at universities.
Even more the book from Dr. Rob van Overbruggen is so important because it is urgent needed that each therapist understands which role different psychological patterns are playing, not only for starting cancer, but also for surviving cancer.
I wish all oncologists would read this book

Lothar Hirneise
( advocate and writer on alternative healing who spent years traveling and searching for the most successful cancer therapies ~ Author of Chemotherapy Heals Cancer and the Earth is Flat )

Rob van Overbruggen 's Healing Psyche: -Ann Fonda-

Rob van Overbruggen ‘s Healing Psyche: Patterns and Structure of Complementary Psychological Cancer Treatment (CPCT) , based upon years of extensive research, is designed for therapists who wish to use innovative psychological interventions in assisting their patients with cancer.

Rob van Overbruggen ‘s Healing Psyche: Patterns and Structure of Complementary Psychological Cancer Treatment (CPCT) , is part therapeutic guidebook and part research dissertation.

This valuable new book is the culmination of the author’s many years of extensive research, and his recognized expertise in Hypnotherapy, Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) and Time Line Therapy (TLT).

In his work, Dr. Van Overbruggen detected several common patterns shared by various psychological approaches to cancer therapy. Moreover, he identified the psychological patterns that influence the cancer process.

Healing Psyche describes in detail the evolution of his new and innovative concepts in psychological cancer treatment, how they differ from the more traditional psychological modalities, and how they have been carefully developed into a complete and complementary approach to treating cancer, using the power of the human mind.

Though not intended as a self-help book for patients themselves, Healing Psyche will be of great help and interest to a wide range of health practitioners and therapists who are working with patients diagnosed with cancer — in its many forms.

This valuable new Complementary Psychological Cancer Treatment (CPCT) approach is firmly based upon empirically-proven techniques, as well as the insights gained from traditional Psychotherapy, Hypnotherapy, NLP and TLT. The program can be used by therapists to improve their patients’ healing processes.

The Healing Psyche website (www.healingpsyche.com) also supports this program, by providing online tools for therapists to use in their psychological work with cancer patients. Additional resources include guidelines for use, a self-help CD set for patients, and a patient workbook.

Healing Psyche, Rob van Overbruggen’s-George Ivan Gal-

Healing Psyche, Rob van Overbruggen’s book, is a masterpiece of psychosomatic medicine in Cancer Therapy, and it’s a rare book, because it doesn’t try to give any imperative strategies. It’s not for those who are constantly willing to re-examine what they think they know. There are others who cannot deal with the idea that what they were taught might be wrong. One can clearly see that in the reviews above.
What a refreshing point of view — I totally agree. It was a great Job, to collect all those materials, statistics, about cancer, to put them together, and to show his readers, that there is a chance, even you get cancer! This is not the END!!!

It seems like such an obvious no-brainer that “if you can’t prove it, it doesn’t exist” is a ridiculous idea! And I appreciate the courage that Rob had in putting himself in the line of fire, challenging this outmoded system. I wonder if part of the reason that groundbreaking ideas tend to be categorically dismissed is because they might threaten the financial systems that are already in place, benefiting from doing things (and much money) in the established way… my guess is “probably.”

Rob van Overbruggen had clearly challenged what we thought we knew, and didn’t open the Pandora’s Box himself, but he let us know, there is a “Box” out there. Scientists have long stated, “If you can’t prove it, it doesn’t exist.” That means that we relegate our belief system to the quality of our measuring devices. Since we couldn’t measure things at biological speeds until we got Pentium class computers, we haven’t been able to measure biological electronic function for very many years. Rob van Overbruggen has helped refocus us away from the false belief that the body is Newtonian and reductionist to the reality that the body works at the atomic level where Newton’s laws fail and electromagnetic energy rules.

Buy this book—it will change your life if you will measure it against what is real instead of what you were taught.

After you read this book, and you have cancer, there are only 2 possibilities:
• You open your mind, and imagine that you can take responsibility for your life, and your cancer!
• Or, you don’t open your mind, and you keep everything as before!!! With your Cancer!!!

Buy this book—it will change your life if you will measure it against what is real instead of what you were taught.

I carried this book throughout my 9-day-Ann Fonda-

I carried this book throughout my 9-day journey in Germany, by the information within. Due to a terrifically busy schedule I rarely read an entire book, but this one is packed with the most interesting and comprehensive stories, tips, and much more. It has made me focus more fully on the mind-body connection, and given me a much stronger basis for understanding. In my work as an advocate for people with cancer, this is going to be extremely useful.
Thank you for the experience.

Rob van Overbruggen brings us the best -Daniel J. Benoir-

Rob van Overbruggen brings us the best review and discussion of theories and research in mind-body influences and interactions with cancer.
This book is written clearly, well organized, rich in quotations from the numerous authors cited, replete with case examples, and an excellent resource for anyone interested integrative medicine healing of cancer.

There are many facets of psychological health and disharmony that may contribute to the development of serious illnesses. Some are well known, other are less familiar. Here are but a few of the numerous aspects of this important aspect of understanding and dealing with cancer that van
Overbruggen clarifies.

The author marshals well-supported discussions on ways in which stress that is handled poorly can lead to serious illnesses. Stress is commonly assumed to occur with negative experiences, but van Overbruggen points out that positive ones such as marriage and relocation to a new residence or
work situation may be equally stressful.

Similarly, residues of traumatic experiences that are not released may fester within people, eventually manifesting in physical disorders. Cancer is commonly found to occur following such experiences.

It is not the things themselves that confuse people, but their judgment of those things. – Epictetus

A less well known factor is self-regulation. Grossarth-Maticek et al. (1995) interviewed participants in 1973 to assess their level of “selfregulation.”
Self-regulation is defined as people’s ability to notice the results of their behavior and correct it to achieve their goals. By definition, self-regulation can only take place when people have an internal locus of control. Fifteen years after the initial interview, they conducted a follow-up study to assess the participants’ health status. Of those who scored in the lower section of the test, only 2% were still alive. Of the participants who initially scored in the higher regions, 81% were alive. (p. 87)
The author points out that imagery is commonly used as a tool for transformation as a part of many therapies. It is often included in cancer treatments. What is less known is that assessments of the elements in people’s imagery can also have diagnostic value. [Jean] Achterberg came to the following conclusion: “The total scores were found to predict with 100% certainty who would die or show evidence of significant deterioration during the two-month period, and with 93% certainty who would be in remission… (p. 168)

Generous counterpointing quotes and client reports of their experiences with the various therapies make this book an engaging read. The many pages of references are a blessing to anyone seriously interested to know more about the many and varied available treatments for cancer.

This book is highly recommended to anyone interested in integrative medicine approaches to helping people who have cancer. It is also helpful in addressing end of life issues and facing death. “Death is not extinguishing
the light; it is putting out the lamp because dawn has come.” (p. 200)

This informative and well-written book -Barb Pierce-

This informative and well-written book will help you to understand the link between emotions and other psychological patterns that influence the development and progression of cancer.

If you have or have had cancer, you may recognize yourself and/or your behaviours within these pages – I know I did!

Within this book, you will find information about current psychological models related to cancer patients and a concise summary of Dr. van Overbruggen’s work. He outlines numerous visualizations, behaviour modification strategies, hypnotherapy techniques and neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) interventions to help identify and resolve root causes related to the development of cancer.

This book is a wonderful and practical tool to help practitioners and patients alike learn to appreciate the power of the mind. I personally enjoyed the anectotal stories that supported the extensive reference list of scientific studies/papers (close to 900 of them).

If you are living in fear of cancer, please read this book as a step towards becoming more knowledgeable and at peace with your relationship with cancer.

Till now additional Health methods lack-Freek Dirkx-

Till now additional Health methods lacked the evidence to support a greater use. Now Rob van de Overbruggen provided me with a overwhelming amount of evidence. I can recommend this book to everyone who works with or is interested in people with health challenges.

I just reviewed Healing Psyche on Amazo-Jodie Ross-

I just reviewed Healing Psyche on Amazon with 5 stars and the following comments:

Thank you so much Rob for putting together such incredible research. It is very interesting to read about so many different ways at approaching healing Cancer or even living a better life while having Cancer and I love the way Rob presents it all without bias.
I enjoyed so many things about this book, but the thing that stands out for me the most is that the mind and body are all part of the one human organism and as such are connected to each other and influence each other – your psychology affects your physiology and your physiology affects your psychology.
Therefore, a complimentary approach to healing makes sense. Combining therapies that can influence the psychology of persons mind to compliment and work alongside medicine with therapies that work on a persons body/physiology rather than as an alternative, can truly help people heal and live a better life. There are so many ways we can help ourselves.
While Robs research was focused on Cancer, this complimentary therapy approach could be applied to any psychological or physical ailment to enhance the quality of a person’s life in many ways.
This book, more than anything else that I have ever heard or read also made me realise the power of the immune system. If your immune system is strong, the body can overcome anything and will work as we want it to. When the body is in stress the immune system cannot function properly. If we reduce our stress with complimentary therapies and put good nutrition into our body then our immune system can function properly and do its job of keeping us healthy. This is really possible.
Thank you so much Rob van Overbruggen PhD for sharing your research in Healing Psyche, I highly recommend this book as a valuable resource to any person who is interested in helping themselves or others. I can’t wait to read your next book, Unleash Your Vitality to learn more about what I can do for my immune system.

To add to that, the things that I loved but did not put in my review because it would have been too long but they are important to me are:
– The way you talk about healing versus curing
– Mind and body are all part of the same organism and both influence each other – I knew this but I love hearing how you describe it
– Stuck emotions and emotional cysts – I knew about stuck emotions but had not heard the term emotional cysts before, very interesting
– Emotions and neuropeptides – I had not looked into the scientific way emotions affect the body before
– The placebo story about the man who got so well after thinking he was on the trial drug – just amazing
– Importance of beliefs and perceptions – this I believe with all of my heart and is why I love Matrix Reimprinting so much but it was so interesting hearing your research on it all
– The link of cancer to loss and fear and people being able to have a sense of having control in their life and decision making can make so much difference – very cool
– Even the beliefs of the therapist can make a difference – this is so true
– Love the idea of options for secondary gains – we learn about secondary gains with EFT and Matrix Reimprinting but I had not really thought about coming up with options or other (or healthier) ways of attaining those gains, so clever
– How clever the body and immune system is – this book made me think about the power of my immune system more than anything else ever has. Beliefs and immune system really affect everything don’t they and they both have such an influence on each other.
– Purpose for life – very cool
– The appraisal process and beliefs – love it
– Multiple Personalities – it is so amazing to know that when a person is in a certain alter ego to another that their physical symptoms and characteristics can change, this shows the power of the mind, so incredible
– Laughter and pleasure increasing immune function – my kids and I tried this, let out really big belly laughs in the car, it was so funny and I could really feel my chest feel lighter afterwards, Ava and Ben thought it was hilarious
– Complimentary therapies rather than alternative – I love the way you describe this, working together, not instead of
– Immune System – Honestly Rob, your book, more than anything else I have ever read or heard has made me realise how important the immune system is. Your example of cancer cells in a Petri dish with white blood cells and the white blood cells knocking the cancer cells out is so powerful. I know how much stress can affect your body and I am more motivated than ever to put good things into my body and change my limiting beliefs.

I am looking forward to reading Unleash Your Vitality when it arrives in the mail and can’t wait for my training to begin.

Thank you,

Love Jodie xx.

I have yet to get my hands on your book-Carl Simonton MD-

I have yet to get my hands on your book as Carl has loaned it out to many and several people have orded it on Amazon. He and Dr. Wirga are very impressed with it and have enjoyed it very much.
I understand you site the Simonton work! But do know that he recommends it hightly.
We will be recommending the book in our next newsletter

Carl Simonton MD
Medical Doctor ~ Carl Simonton is the author of Getting Well Again and The Healing Journey

This is a must read for those with crit-Deborah King-

This is a must read for those with critical illnesses and their physicians

This brilliantly researched book show t-Marion Bevington-

This brilliantly researched book show the what, how and why’s of cancer and other chronic diseases from a holistic – whole person perspective, it’s clear and occasionally mind blowing – and also very enlighteneing – cancer and so many other chronic conditions really are curable if you understand it’s message – Rob can help translate what it’s saying so you can start to listen and learn to transform and heal yourself.

Rob van Overbruggen brings us the best -Daniel J. Benor MD-

Rob van Overbruggen brings us the best review and discussion of theories and research in mind-body influences and interactions with cancer.
This book is written clearly, well organized, rich in quotations from the numerous authors cited, replete with case examples, and an excellent resource for anyone interested wholistic healing of cancer.

Healing Psyche provides such a complete-Arielle Essex-

Healing Psyche provides such a complete and well grounded approach towards healing cancer, both patients and therapists will benefit from the careful explanations.
Up-to-date research findings, exploration of causes, handling the emotional aspects, useful question frames, comparisons of current treatment programmes, plus specific insights into the psychological approach are all combined in this easy-to-read book.
This useful resource is like an encyclopedia of understanding how to manage every aspect of treating cancer.
Dr. Van Overbruggen answers the questions every patient wants to know. He chooses to inform rather than prescribing one particular solution.
A must-read for every complementary therapist and every cancer patient.

Arielle Essex
NLP Master Practitioner and Trainer with a broad background that includes osteopathy, naturopathy, kinesiology and psychology. She used to have a brain tumor, but she healed herself with NLP techniques ~ Arielle Essex is author of Compassionate Coach

Als healer heb ik veel geleerd over hoe-Karine Harkema-

Als healer heb ik veel geleerd over hoe emoties, overtuigingen en gedachtenpatronen ten grondslag kunnen liggen aan ziekten. Ik weet dat heling en groei zit in het (durven) innemen en heiligen van je eigen ruimte, en in het loslaten van wat jou niet meer dient.

Toch vond ik kanker een ongrijpbare ziekte. En toen bij een naast familielid volkomen onverwacht uitgezaaide borstkanker werd geconstateerd, was het alsof de grond onder mijn voeten werd weggeslagen. Ik voelde me geschokt, bedroefd en machteloos. Ik stortte me op het zoeken naar informatie en manieren om haar te ondersteunen. Voeding en supplementen, acupunctuur, geschikte healingmethoden, én ik las ‘Healing Psyche’.
Er ging een wereld voor me open. Het versterken van je immuunsysteem door gezond om te (leren) gaan met emoties blijkt een sleutelfactor om kanker te voorkomen of ervan te herstellen.

Healing Psyche is een uitermate boeiend en verhelderend overzicht van bewezen effecten van emoties op het immuunsysteem, en geeft je vele handvatten om je effectief voor je eigen levenskwaliteit en herstel in te zetten, zelf of met ondersteuning van een therapeut. Hoe meer je weet en hoe meer je zelf kunt doen, hoe meer controle je ervaart en hoe gunstiger dit is.
Het boek geeft je hoop, en hoop alleen is al een factor die je gezondheid bevordert.

Wat mij betreft is dit boek een must read voor iedereen die beroepsmatig, in zijn omgeving of zelf met kanker te maken krijgt.

Als het gaat om kanker wordt vaak gecommuniceerd over leefstijl; gezonde voeding, genoeg lichaamsbeweging, niet roken, milieufactoren. Je ’emotionele leefstijl’ blijkt echter een factor van levensbelang, en daarover wordt niet of nauwelijks gesproken. Dat niet opgeloste oude emotionele pijn een rol speelt in het nu, is bekend, maar de fysieke impact ervan verdient meer aandacht. Rob van Overbruggen heeft met Healing Psyche een juweeltje afgeleverd over de invloed van emoties op de ontwikkeling en genezing van kanker.

Ik ben gek op informatie die de kloof tussen reguliere en complementaire geneeskunde helpt overbruggen. Met Healing Psyche levert Rob van Overbruggen (what’s in a name) hieraan een onmisbare bijdrage.

Kanker heeft epidemische vormen aangenomen, en alles wat ons in staat stelt onze eigen gezondheid te bevorderen, moeten we omarmen. Healing Psyche laat duidelijk zien dat onze emoties dé ingang zijn om je immuunsysteem te versterken. Lees het en doe er je voordeel mee!

I really found this book to be very ins-Leonie Looijen-

I really found this book to be very inspiring, not only for working with clients who have cancer, but also for working with other physical problems. It is nice to have a good summary of all different technics used in the therapies available at this moment.
So far i have used the information with clients that have physical problems other then cancer (irritable bowel syndrom, migrain headache).
Great job !!

Thank you so much for your book, Healin-Jon Morley-

Thank you so much for your book, Healing Psyche. I work predominantly with people with chronic disease and make therapeutic use of the mind-body connection. I have found that your book has consolidated so much of the research in this field and thereby gives me evidence-based guidance as well as material for patients themselves to use. Dis-ease is a necessary journey, your book shows how we can make it a creative and en-joyable one!

Rob van Overbruggen heeft met zijn Enge-Prof Dr Jan M. Keppel Hesselink-

Rob van Overbruggen heeft met zijn Engelstalige boek “Healing Psyche, Patterns and Structure of Complementary Psychological Cancer Treatment (CPCT)” een bijdrage geleverd aan de psycho-oncologie. Zijn boek is een literatuur overzicht en analyse en gaat over de invloed van gedrag, gedachtenpatronen, emoties en omgangsmethoden op kanker, goed onderbouwd met wetenschappelijke literatuur. De therapieen die aan de orde komen zijn vooral gericht op het verbeteren van het algemeen welbevinden van een kankerpatient.
Vanwege zijn zeer grondige zoektocht naar wetenschappelijk onderzoek over dit onderwerp, kan Rob Overbruggen gefundeerd aanbevelingen doen wat voor onderzoek er in de toekomst nodig is, om dit veld van de psycho-oncologie nog beter te doorgronden.

As a healer I learned how emotions, bel-Karine Harkema-

As a healer I learned how emotions, beliefs and thoughts can influence disease proceses. Even though I learned that , cancer remained a mystery to me. When a family member suddenly was diagnosed with metastasized breast cancer my world collapsed.

I devoted my time in searching information and ways to support her, nutrition, acupuncture, healing methods, etc etc. Then I read Healing Psyche.

A complete new world opened for me. Strenghtening your immune system by dealing healthy with emotions and beliefs seems to be a key factor in healing and recovery

Healing psyche is clearly written and has a clear scientific approach. It give you many pointers on what you can do yourself and for others in dealing with cancer and optimizing the healing process. This book gives hope and hope alone can be healing.

This book is a must read for everyone who is diagnosed with cancer , fears cancer, or who works professionally with people with diseases.

The discussions on cancer often include lifestyle, healthy food, exercise, smoking and environmental issues. However your emotional lifestyle is often neglected when a physical issue is present.

Unresolved emotional pains play an important role in the bodies natural healing abilities. Rob van Overbruggen created a real gem with Healing Psyche about the influence of emotions on the healing of cancer.

Healing psyche is a valuable addition to people working in any way shape or form with integrative medicine, alternative, complementary or holistic medicine.

Healing psyche clearly demonstrates that our emotions are the key trigger to increase our immune system.
Read it and benefit from your newly acquired knowledge.

rob i think there is much useful inform-Bernie Siegel MD-

rob i think there is much useful information in your book and it is a good resource for people who want to begin to learn about this field of work but there are also some things that make me very uncomfortable and that relates to one example being the simonton imagery with bullets, war, poison etc for many people that is totally ineffective because it creates conflict and empowers the enemy and when we are not killers it has adverse side effects we need training in communication”

Bernie Siegel MD
Medical Doctor ~ Bernie Siegel is the author of Love, Medicine & Miracles, Peace, Love & Healing and Faith, Hope and Healing

Remark Rob van Overbruggen: Bernie you are right about the agressive imagery Simonton used to use. The use of more supportive imagery is one of the suggestions I make, and the type of imagery i use.

There are specialists that know everyth-David Bloch-

There are specialists that know everything about their topic, and there are specialist that know a lot about their and other topics. These specialist are able to look beyond their own topic and can create connections, additions and even controversial conclusions.

Rob van Overbruggen is one of these specialists that can draw those conclusions from a wide spectrum. Even through he is not Servan-Schreiber, he is definitely following in the footsteps of this French medical specialist who dared to ask questions to the common way of doing in medicine.

In Van Overbruggens solid book -Healing Psyche- you will learn about health and healing and the different paradigms from medicine, psychological and psychosomatic connections. You will discover a thorough analysis of the entire process that bears the name cancer, and a complete analysis on how thoughts and emotions influence the chances of healing.

Van Overbruggens spends much attention to the different programs within and outside the allopathic medicine who offer a different approach to cancer than the orthodox –cut radiate chemo-

This book is not a fun to read book, but it is not tough either.
For people confronted with cancer in their own body on in the body of their loved ones, this book is a valuable introduction to the different approaches available. Learning about options in the cancer process is always a first step towards healing

For people who are already familiar with different approaches this book will provide the scientific basis and a more in depth discussion.
Van Overbruggens book is a valuable addition to the number of serious works that address health and healing processes.

I strongly urge every NLP Practitioner -Richard Bolstad-

I strongly urge every NLP Practitioner who works with clients facing health issues to buy and read this book, and to buy a second copy to loan to their clients. I simply have never seen such a thorough and courageous explanation of this field. My recommendation is: Read the book now!

Thank you, Dr. Rob van Overbruggen! You-Carole C Seaver-

Thank you, Dr. Rob van Overbruggen! You have really done a great service for humanity with this phenomenal work. With the use of volumes of research by some of the most respected names in both psychological cancer treatment and overall MindBody healing studies you have catapulted the MindBody Connection premise by ions; and, by your comprehensive overview have given us in the field some much needed validation.

Healing Psyche is a must read for anyone who doubts the power of the mind to heal or the power of the body to heal itself when blocks to healing have been removed; and, it has come at the perfect time as people’s minds are becoming more open to alternative and complementary therapies since Traditional Medicine does not, obviously, have all the answers.

Just thought I'd give you an update. It-Janice Thompson-

Just thought I’d give you an update. It’s brilliant!!! It is so clearly written full of some really interesting facts, a book we have all been waiting for. well done you

This is a groundbreaking research paper-Ellen Tanner Marsh-

This is a groundbreaking research paper that reads more like a page-turning novel. Full of absorbing case studies, Van Overbruggen presents some of the most provocative and mind-bending cancer research around.
In gorgeous, lucid prose, Van Overbruggen explains his world-shattering views on healing and discusses cancer from a medical and psychosomatic perspective.
This is a staggeringly brilliant and important book. Although nor primarily meant to be a self-help book for patients (its main intent is for the therapists and doctors), this is a book that offers hope and healing.

When reading this book, I was amazed at-Anton Bader-

When reading this book, I was amazed at the perceptiveness and insight the author used to guide his readers through the difficult subject matter of the psyche. This book is a must for all aspiring doctors and psychologists and should be part of any interested therapist’s standard library.

The collection of information for exploration and treatment of the human soul and the abilities of the psyche is by itself admirable. To put such extensive knowledge into a structured book and into understandable language, can only be done by someone who is able put themselves into the difficult subject matter and who has understood it.

Besides explaining the connections of human behavior, personal beliefs and mental-physical changes and reactions, this book is a valuable treasure trove of literary references and therefore also a reference book for the professional user. I can only recommend this book to anyone who wants to know about his own emotional and psycho-physical being and the connection of disease emergence and recovery.

Anton Bader-healing_psyche review
Medical Doctor - General Practitioner
Herr Rob van Overbruggen kenne ich seit-George Ivan Gal-

Herr Rob van Overbruggen kenne ich seit längeren, und hatte sehr nahen Kontakt im Bereich der klassischen Psycho-Onkologie und der META Medizin.
Mir ist bekannt dass Herr van Overbruggen sich täglich mit onkologischen Patienten beschäftigt, und bietet eine sehr komplette Betreuung für Krebskranke.
Ich habe ihm als sehr kompetenter, sorgfältiger und gewissenhafter Kollege kennengelernt, die in äußerst zuverlässiger und strukturierter Weise die medizinische und organisatorische Betreuung der Patienten durchführen konnte. Er hat alle ihm übertragenen Arbeiten in jeder Hinsicht zuverlässig und mit großem Verantwortungsgefühl zu meiner vollen Zufriedenheit durchgeführt.
Er ist immer in der Lage, eine gute Patienten-Beziehung aufzubauen und zeigte in der Zuwendung zum Kranken ein hohes Maß an menschlichem Mitgefühl und Verständnis für die Probleme der Patienten und seiner Angehörigen. Durch ihr umsichtiges, ausgeglichenes, stets offenes Wesen und ihr großes Engagement war sie insbesondere bei Patienten sehr geachtet und beliebt.
Er verfügt über fundierte Kenntnisse im gesamten Spektrum der klassischen und alternativen Medizin, sowie über ein intensives Einfühlungsvermögen im Umgang mit schwer und chronisch kranken Patienten (z. B. onkologische Patienten).
Ich werde ihm immer wieder zu Konsultationen bei heiklen Fälle in der Therapie, mit einschließen..
Mit freundlichen Grüßen

It is becoming more generally accepted,-Alexander Docker-

It is becoming more generally accepted, both in the medical community and in the general populace, that the connection between mind and body in the human being is such a close one that these two may truly be seen not as dualism at all but as two aspects of the one phenomenon: one the gross-material, and the other the non-material: body and mind respectively. It is certain, therefore, if this premise is accepted, that what goes on in the mind will translate directly into what goes on in the body. That is fast growing realization, and a powerful motivation toward investigating how one may work with the mind in order to create and sustain physical health.

Rob van Overbruggen’s book essentially addresses exactly this point, and it does so with consummate skill, using the simple language that is required for a clear and accurate description that truly enlightens the ideas surrounding the whole field of what is popularly termed Mind/Body therapy. What his concentration is in this work can easily be transferred to any and all physical maladies. The principles are universally applicable.
I recommend this work to everyone interested in the premise behind this book, and I do so without reservation

Healing psyche is an extremely informat-Tremayne Reiss-

Healing psyche is an extremely informative read and full of resources. For me it could not have come at a better time as I am looking for methods of working with the psyche. Some of the references to research done really underline the importance of considering the psyche, whatever your training.
A thank you to the author for all the time put into distilling and drawing together this invaluable resource.
It’s a must read be you a layperson or practitioner.

Tremayne Reiss-healing_psyche review
Qualified Medical Herbalist, Phytotherapist BSc, energy medicine practitioner
United Kingdom
For people who are ready to face their -Cora Stronkhorst MD-

For people who are ready to face their inner truth, especially in a cancer process, this book will be a source of recognition and a guide along the way.

The point that Healing Psyche blows me

The point that Healing Psyche blows me away is where Rob presents the evidence that a majority of cancer patients share many unproductive personality traits. They will often care for others far more than for themselves – to their own detriment. They also often have issues with lack of self-worth, self-confidence and assertiveness, and shy away from conflict or expressing anger. Saying ‘No’ is also a big problem. At the time of writing, someone close to me is dealing with cancer, and reading this section of Healing Psyche was like looking inside their mind. The similarities were shocking, but also empowered me to know what interventions I could work with. Many cancer care books are either too lightweight or offer dense, complecated approaches. Rob’s book walks a clever middle road, with the text littered with poignant quotes and easy to relate to metaphors that throw light on this fascinating subject area. I highly recommend this book to anyone using a mental, physical or spiritual approach with cancer clients.

Rob van Overbruggen's book "Healing Psy-Telse Hunter PhD-

Rob van Overbruggen’s book “Healing Psyche” is the most comprehensive work on hypnosis as an important aspect of cancer therapy.
It is a “must-read” for anybody dealing with oncology, be it as a professional or as a patient.

Dr. O. Carl Simonton and his wife Karen-Rahla Kahn & Richard Rossner-

Dr. O. Carl Simonton and his wife Karen highly recommended getting your book immediately (which we did)! My husband, Richard, and I work with Dr. Simonton at his residential cancer retreat programs. Carl is one of my mentors, in addtion to my other mentor, Norman Cousins. My company is The Power Of Play (www.thepowerofplay.com). Our work is based on “Applied Improvisation” with a focus on humor, healing and hope.
We are in love with your book, because you validate 25 years of anecdotal stories and feedback from our clients.
Thank you!

I found this book to exceptionally diff-Rose Hargrove-

I found this book to exceptionally different from any book I have read on psychological treatment. Dr. Overbruggen approaches the subject matter with both compassion and exquisite knowledge of the material. I felt like I was gaining knowledge and at the same time reading a moving story. He clearly reveals his clinical expertise and caring for the clients he is treating. I found this quite moving. This is a must read book for any practitioner.

A book that thinks out of the box.-Rosie O'Hara-

Rob van Overbruggen sets out to provide scientific evidence on which many therapies that make – ‘remarkable claims about mind-body effects’ on the complex cancer question, are based. He states ‘To deny the potential reality of something just because one cannot devise a method of proof is a very narrow and false stance to take.’ – ‘Everything is true unless proven otherwise.’ This gives us more possibilities and widens our view in respect of cancer and its treatment.

The book is 403 pages in length, it has a bibliography of 65 pages – for me this could constitute a tome, something that puts me off. Yet I knew because I happened to be searching for another person whose thoughts and methodologies in respect of mind-body healing powers and possibilities with regard to cancer, and I came across his name and his mention of this book. I knew that for me this book was a ‘must read’ and I was still sceptical. It took me 2 sittings to finish the book, when my attention is captured I will read to the end (my wedding interrupted this read!).

I read and read and I wished (in some ways) that I’d found this book in 2009 when I was diagnosed with a ‘little breast cancer’. However perhaps my decision for surgery was the right one as I am now more than capable of keeping others ‘a-breast’ of the situation.

Rob van Overbruggen’s work confirms what I know and believe (and subsequently some members of the medical profession have confirmed to me) that cancer is indeed inherent in ‘every body’ and as such can develop into a cancerous growth unless we chose to think otherwise. I chose a route in which I subsequently refused medication (not even a painkiller, what for? My mind is connected to my body) nor radiotherapy. I used imagineering, changing my thoughts and language thus enabling others to go with me, to accept my choices and meeting them at their ‘language bus stop.’ Plus I worked on healing an incident from the past. All of this has put where I am currently am, healthy and well.

Healing Psyche now provides me with a whole range of evidence and the knowledge that I am not just some ‘strange woman in the Highlands of Scotland using that ‘funny NLP stuff’’.

I highly recommend this book to others who want to learn more about the evidence that is out there supporting the fact that we can enhance our healing, our progression and our lives when that ‘cancer’ word come along. We can still use conventional methods plus mind power to support those.

Those people who might be sceptical could consider the book and then perhaps even contact some of the other well qualified NLP trainers mentioned in the book and others, or even try some of the things mentioned themselves.

Rob van Overbruggen does by the way call for further research to enhance current therapeutic programs for complementary (and that means working together with) psychological cancer treatment.

Well done!

I still haven’t solved the coins by the way.

HEALING PSYCHE is one of the most compl-Larry Dossey MD-

HEALING PSYCHE is one of the most complete guides to the role of the mind in cancer to appear in years. This practical and authoritative book is a major accomplishment.

Larry Dossey MD-healing_psyche review
Medical Doctor
United States
Author of Meaning & Medicine, Healing Words and The Power of Premonitions
Kein ganzheitlicher Krebskongress kommt-Hendrik Treugut MD-

Kein ganzheitlicher Krebskongress kommt um die Feststellung herum: Krebsheilung ist nur von der Psyche aus möglich. Und wie geht das, was bietet man dem Patienten an? Unübersehbar ist bereits jetzt die Zahl der spirituellen, psychotherapeutischen, psychologischen, psychoonkologischen etc. etc. Therapieansätze, aber der Überblick geht verloren.
Hier bietet das Buch von Rob van Overbruggen eine Hilfe an, deren Bedeutung überhaupt nicht überschätzt werden kann, die einfach klingt und unendliche Mühe erforderte: er hat sich über alle Verfahren informiert, sie beschrieben, gesichtet, geordnet und z.T. beurteilt. Wer immer in der unübersehbaren Szene für sich oder seine Patienten einen therapeutischen Ansatzpunkt sucht (und wer kennt sich wirklich aus?), braucht dieses Buch.

Dr. med. Hendrik Treugut
Chefarzt am Klinikum Schwäbisch Gmünd und Präsident der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Energetische und Informationsmedizin (DGEIM) ~ Dr. med. Hendrik Treugut

Met toenemende verwondering, verbazing,-Dick Verburg-

Met toenemende verwondering, verbazing, respect en bewondering heb ik Rob zijn boek “Healing Psyche” doorgenomen. Volgens ingewijden en kenners heeft Rob door het schrijven en uitgeven ervan, een fenomenale bijdrage geleverd op het gebied van de psycho-oncologie.

Dit stel ik vast op grond van wat ik heb meegemaakt in mijn ruim 20 jarige ervaring als Personal Coach. Voor mij is het boek inmiddels een bron van inzichten en mogelijkheden geworden dat ik graag binnen handbereik heb.
Rob bedankt!

First of all, congratulations on writin-Albert Barrios-

First of all, congratulations on writing the most comprehensive book ever written on the psychological approach to healing cancer. If there is one book that I feel could open the eyes of the medical profession to this approach, it is yours, presenting hundreds and hundreds of scientific studies in support of it.

I feel more encouraged to help a person-Dr Richard B Habben-

I feel more encouraged to help a person with cancer now as i have read about half of your book and loving it. I especially love the chapter on the emotional connection between the soul and the cancer such as being people pleasure i feel more encouraged to help a person with cancer now because of your book. Great job

Healing Psyche is a must read for anyon-Jayc Dryden-

Healing Psyche is a must read for anyone interested or involved with oncological care and research, for those suffering from cancer and for those with a general interest in healthcare.

I have never read a more detailed and appropriate text concerning successful complementary psychological interventions and the variables which influence the rate of recovery in patients.

Additionally, the book describes simple, actionable interventions that anyone suffering from cancer can implement themselves to improve quality of life and ease their condition.

Essential reading for doctors, researchers, therapists and patients. Highly recommended.